Perfume, an amalgamation of aroma compounds, some vital oils, fixatives and solvents, roots backs to ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt and later by the Romans and Persians. Perfumery, the art of making perfume, found its existence in East Asia too, but mostly it was incensed based.
Tapputi was the first perfume maker whose name was mentioned in cuneiform tablet from the second millennium BC in Mesopotamia. According to recent discoveries, more than 4000 years old perfumes are found in ancient perfume factory that was spread in an area of 4000 square-meter area. Those perfumes were made of herbs, almonds, coriander, bergamot, and other spices, but not flowers.
Avicenna, the Persian doctor and chemist, pioneered the distillation of oils of flowers. He began this process with rose. Prior to that, oils, petals and crushed herbs were blended to make perfumes. Then the art of making perfume reached Europe in 14th century and later Hungarians launched the modern perfume, a mixture of oils in alcohol solution, in 1370. In 16th century, this proliferated art of Italy was taken to France and then it became the European center of perfume and cosmetic manufacture. With this impact, cultivation of flowers became a flourishing industry in the south of France. During the Renaissance period, perfumed were meant for royal class only. Around 18th century, perfume industry boomed like anything, since the cultivation of aromatic plants were increased to provide more and more raw material.
A perfume can be described on the basis of its concentration level, the family it belongs to and the notes of scents it spreads. Perfume oil has to be diluted with a solvent, as undiluted oils are highly concentrated and can cause allergies. Ethanol or a mixture of ethanol and water are the most common diluting agents for perfumes. Neutral smelling lipids like jojoba, fractionated coconut oil or wax are the best ways to dilute perfume oils. The intensity and endurance of a perfume depends on the amount of concentrates it contains.
According to traditional and modern classification, perfumes consist of number of categories like single floral, floral bouquet, ambery, woody, leathery, bright floral, green, oceanic/ozone, citrus, etc. Each category is well-known for its own distinctiveness. Plants are the chief source of aromatics and each part of plant is responsible for a specific aromatic compound. Apart from plants, animals like Ambergris, Civet, Musk and Honeycomb are also great sources of aromatic compounds. Besides these, other natural sources are Lichens and Seaweed. But modern perfumes contain odorants which are not naturally available; rather they are synthetic odorants like Calon.
The synthetic odorants are organically synthesized and then purified before the composition of perfume. In case of natural sources, odorants are obtained by dissolving the raw material in a solvent to obtain the desired aromatic compounds. On the other hand, the method of heating the raw material and then condensed to distill aromatic vapors is called distillation. It can be either steam distillation or dry distillation. Aromatic oils can also be collected through expression that is compression of the raw material. The extracted compounds are essential oils which are used to compose perfumes.
In the whole process the role of perfumer is very important, as he formulates the perfume according to the need and mood of the customer or his employer, keeping in mind the price of the perfume oil concentrates. Then the perfume is formulated to evoke the desired feelings in those who smell it. Perfumes should be properly stored also to keep their aromas intact. They should not be exposed to heat and light. They can be kept in light tight aluminium bottle or in their original packing.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Perfume - An Aromatic Bliss - Roberto Sedycias
Staying Healthy: Magnet Maintenance
If you are one of the lucky Americans that doesn't have a physical injury that gives you pain on a daily basis, congratulations! Now that you are completely healthy, you must strive to maintain your health and live disease-free. You can accomplish this high quality of life with proper diet, exercise and health supplements. One such supplemental program is magnet therapy.
A popular perception of magnet therapy is that you have to be sick or injured to use the magnets for benefit. Believe it or not, you can use many other magnetic products that will provide an extra preventative health measure against negative health consequences.
You spend about a third of your life in bed: sleeping, reading, watching T.V. and relaxing with family. A great way to take advantage of all this bed time is to use magnets in bed! You can begin your bed time health program with a magnetic mattress pad and magnetic pillows that can provide overall body recharging and healing. Using these products differs from the more specific products (the metal bracelet, braces) by giving total body magnetic therapy every single night.
Do you sometimes suffer from sinus or stress headaches? There's even a magnetic solution to this problem! Using a magnetic eye mask (similar to the black eye masks you can use to sleep) will provide arterial and venous relaxation which will alleviate the pain of your headaches and sinus pressure.
While you spend a third of your life in bed, the other two-thirds is spent on your feet. Magnetic insoles can help minimize the pain the long days at work by keeping your tendons and ligaments stretched and relaxed throughout the day. Magnetic insoles also have a very centering effect on your mental focus and clarity, since the magnetic force of the Earth directly contacts your feet.
You can even share the love of magnets with your pets. Pet products that will help your older dogs and cats stay healthy into old age when arthritis becomes a problem. Magnets for your pets can also cut down on cancer and heart problems in older dogs.
Finally, before getting started with your magnetic health maintenance program, you should do your homework. Be certain that the company that provides you with your magnet products certifies the quality of its magnets and purity of the metals used in your magnets. Some online magnet therapy providers will give you very cheap impure magnets. These do not have any health benefits whatsoever! Pure metal magnets are the only way to get assured health benefits.
Health with magnets is a practical and reasonably priced way to maintain your physical well being. Why not start today?
Long Live Good Food For Long Life!
It important to really get this profoundly. The aim of good food is to give people the opportunity to profoundly realise the great health potential and healing power of nutrition. Through this, they can educate themselves and make informed choices on matters regarding health. In effect, good food provides vital life saving information. It shows how the major life-threatening diseases such as, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and many other illnesses can be prevented or reversed using nutrition. Yes, as incredible as this may seem to some, whether it is through a strict dietary regimen called 'metabolic nutritional therapy', or just by simply eating the appropriate food, the results have been amazing. Good food shows how you can use these nutrition secrets for vitality and invariably slowing down the ageing process.
-All the necessary scientific evidence and case testimonies can be found in support of this effectiveness of nutrition.
This is something that should not be missed. It is indeed a massive opportunity to address the most important thing in your life: The only thing worth living for, your freedom and in this particular case, it comes in the wave shape and form of your health through nutrition.
Why has the role of nutrition been so greatly underestimated?
Some readers may be thinking to themselves: If nutrition was so good, why haven't I heard about it?
-The answer is this. These are the circumstances why it has not made it to mainstream: The pharmaceutical companies and the government (who rake in huge revenues from the former) don't want you know that there are cheap, alternative and natural, non-toxic methods towards the prevention of illness. If they allowed the people in the masses to be let in on this well-kept secret, then they would lose out on their profit machine.
Pharmaceuticals do not cure people. They only treat the symptoms. Take for example, a person suffering from a hangover the morning after. Although his parrots eat em' all provides temporary pain relief, the problem related, the hangover, persists, because the underlying root cause is still there.
In many circumstances, as long as individuals are not cured, then they could be paying for treatment for the rest of their lives... Hence the saying
'A patient cured to a pharmaceutical company is a patient lost.'
Contained in good food are leads to many solutions: How to cure many ailments with nutrition. Take some of these amazing examples, in good food, it points to where there have been proven solutions with all the convincing documentary evidence to support that diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes have been reversed and cured using different types of nutritional therapy. The success rate has been very high.
Some disturbing background
There is much deception on this planet. Much of it is being run and overseen by a few select handfuls of elite individuals. It is clear to me, and many others growing in numbers, that the motive of this deception is for power, profit and ultimately, control over the masses. It works on the principle that the masses, the people at large, are kept in the dark over the elite's deception through ignorance, misinformation, disinformation, cover-ups and downright lies: Generally, the people at large blindly accept the words of authorities. The elite's propaganda machine, the paid off media, greatly contribute towards the deception or theatre of illusion. This occurs in many things. Business, banking, finance, commerce, politics, the military, education, religion... and there is no better example of this deception than in the way in which the medical pharmaceutical establishment and food industry is run.
Some may have a hard time in accepting this. Well, that's okay, but rather than dismiss it, I ask you to consider looking into the ways in which the deception works and I'll bet you'll come to the same conclusions as me.
Let's look at some general underlying principles. Take the case of the latter two I mentioned above. The medical / pharmaceutical establishment and the food industry.
The way the deception works
As I have said before, any solutions of a nutritional kind is carefully kept under wraps by the pharmaceutical companies and the government, who heavily sponsor the media and pay them off not to publicise. Over the years, dedicated and brilliant people of a humanitarian nature who have come up with nutritional methods for cures of illnesses have been deliberately ignored, quashed or even ridiculed. Even when they had come up with genuinely successful methods.
In other words, the pharmaceutical companies and their influence over the medical establishment, together with the government has become the order of the day. This, indeed, quite simply is a case of putting profits before the welfare concern of the people, which of course, is not acceptable. It is indeed an example of how we are not living in a democracy.
And that's not all...
-This corporate soulless greed machine method of control and suppression is also demonstrated in the food industry. A a matter of fact, both pharmaceuticals and food products undergo the same pattern when it comes to making decisions over what should go on to the market. It goes like this.
Approval bodies such as the FDA (The Food and Drug administration), the United States set up, comprise a group of individuals who decide what food and drugs are safe to go on the market. Many of these individuals have ties with the very pharmaceutical or food companies they are judging! So any real decision-making made from these people will be most likely in favour of the pharmaceutical or food companies.
Evidence has been shown time and time again that these individuals have been biased. It has also been shown that some of those who were not tied to companies during the time of the decision-making were later on. For example, some individuals who had been on the FDA later became appointed on the board of directors of the pharmaceutical companies.
-This has introduced a level of corruption that has allowed many harmful foods and drugs to go on the market.
Well-documented cases where there have been health-damaging side effects from harmful food and drugs have been given little or no publicity.
Junk food and potentially harmful foods have found their way on to the shelves of supermarkets, care of slick advertising and marketing. There is much trickery and deception involved in this.
Good food can give much information on the subject of junk food.
The main thing for now is to get smart and realise there is a game going on played by the people mentioned in the point who obviously don't really care about your health. Good food will allow you to profoundly realise that the above authorities have a power and political game going on and don't have your best health interests at heart: Knowing what to look for and how to distinguish good from bad nutrition is the key.
Food as a healer
''Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.''
-Hippocrates 460BC—377 BC Greek physician
The Lazy Person's Guide To Getting Fit On Holiday
So, you've made it. You're finally on holiday!
(Yeah, I know, you're still at the office slaving away at your desk but bear with me, I'm painting a picture here!)
After all those weeks of cutting calories, depriving yourself of treats and regularly thrashing yourself about in the gym (You know, the usual pre-holiday fitness panic) you're finally able to get your kit off, soak up some rays and chill out on the beach.
After all, idleness and holidays go hand in hand don't they?
Or do they? Or, more to the point, should they?
It may or may not surprise to you to find out that, on average, holiday makers put on around 5-7lbs in weight during their two weeks away from home, a figure (excuse the pun) only normally beaten by Christmas!
Now, 7lbs may not sound like a lot but in reality it represents some 24,500 extra calories stored either through reduced activity or excess food consumption.
Just to clarify, that's the equivalent of about 10 days worth of calories above and beyond those needed to maintain your weight during your holiday. And guess what?
Nearly all of this is fat!!
So maybe a week of sun, sea and sloth isn't such a great idea after all. Not unless you actually enjoy laying down lard!
The funny thing is, it's so easy to avoid piling on the holiday pounds.
In fact, many people find that they actually come back from their holidays leaner, more toned and far healthier than when they went away just by taking advantage of the opportunity to be more active and try new, healthier foods.
I know what you're thinking "I'm on holiday to enjoy myself and relax NOT to put myself through some harsh diet and thrash myself everyday" and you're right, a holiday should offer the chance to rejuvenate and replenish your tired body.
That's exactly why you should consider being more active during your break.
You see, contrary to popular belief, total bed-rest (or sunbed rest) is actually BAD for you.
Lazing your days away leads to muscle wasting, reduced metabolism, increased fat storage and increased lethargy.
This is why we're often more tired upon return from our hols than before we went away, we're simply allowing our bodies to degrade through immobility.
As if we're not already immobile enough in our day-to-day lives!
Of course, this can easily be avoided by incorporating a little and often approach to activity during your holiday. Just follow the simple tips laid out below and you may even come back in better shape than when you started your hols.
1. Take a walk, run or go for a swim before breakfast. This is a great way to fire up your metabolism and burn off some extra calories before you put more food into your body, and a great opportunity to get your towel on a sunbed before anyone else!
2. Spend at least 10 mins out of every hour on your feet Come on, 10 minutes is hardly a hardship and you can use this time to walk along the beach and even-up your tan in those hard to reach bits or even to check out the talent further up the beach!
3. Spend at least 10 mins out of every hour in the water. Swim, snorkel, surf, kayak, paddle or whatever takes your fancy. Just get in the water and move!
I'm sensing some resistance. Still too much effort?
Well, for those of you determined to travel the world, meet interesting people and wave at them from the comfort of your sunbed (you lazy lot!) all's not lost. There may still be a way of keeping you from piling on the pounds.
Isometric contractions are the ideal lazy-persons workout as they require no movement. Not one bit.
Now I've got your attention haven't I?
To perform isometrics simply contract the target muscles between 75-100% of their maximum effort and hold this contraction for 20-30 seconds before relaxing and choosing another target.
For the chest: Push the palms of your hands together in a prayer-type position. Now push, crush and push some more with all your might.
For the shoulders: Clasp your hands together and attempt to pull them apart as hard as you can
For your abdominals: Lie on your back, knees bent and hand on thighs. With arms outstretched and elbows locked, attempt a crunch type movement (Against your locked arms you won't be able to get up).
For your thighs: Straighten your legs and contract and squeeze as hard as you can. Easy!
For your inner thighs: Legs straight and ankles together try to push each ankle through the other one (You may want to place a towel between your ankles). A similar action can be done with the knees.
For your hips: Cross your legs and feet and attempt to pull the feet apart.
There you have it. The ultimate lazy-persons workout with not a weight, band or exercise gizmo in sight.
But don't let its simplicity fool you, this workout can be amazingly effective at increasing muscular tone and strength Working this way you can perform an almost endless circuit of exercises as you work around the body without ever getting off of your sunbed. Not bad huh?
Seriously though, movement is where it's at. The body is quite simply a movement machine. It likes it, wants it and needs it to function optimally, and by incorporating movement into your holiday you'll look and feel far better because of it.
I'm not suggesting that your holiday has to be all action and adventure from start to finish or that fitness should dominate your thoughts in any way, simply that you take a little time every day to look after your body and give it what it needs.
After all, what's the point of half killing yourself to get in shape prior to your hols if you're going to trash it all and look fat and unfit on your return?
See you on the beach!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Trans fatty acids, or trans fats, are created when food manufacturers turn vegetable oil into solid fat, like shortening and hard margarine. This process increases the shelf life of foods, including the potato chips, cookies, and fried food that Americans consume every day. Trans fat behaves like saturated fat, clogging arteries and increasing LDL-C (bad cholesterol) levels. Trans fat may also reduce HDL (good cholesterol levels). Elevated LDL-C increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. The health risks posed by this dangerous fat have prompted the FDA to require that U.S. food manufacturers list trans fat amounts on all nutritional labels by 2006.
Are All Fats the Same?
Simply put: No. Fat is a major source of energy for the body and aids in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K and carotenoids. Both animal- and plant-derived food products contain fat, and when eaten in moderation, fat is important for proper growth, development, and maintenance of good health. As a food ingredient, fat provides taste, consistency, and stability and helps you feel full. In addition, parents should be aware that fats are an especially important source of calories and nutrients for infants and toddlers (up to 2 years of age), who have the highest energy needs per unit of body weight of any age group.
While unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) are beneficial when consumed in moderation, saturated and trans fats are not. Saturated fat and trans fat raise LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Dietary cholesterol also contributes to heart disease. Therefore, it is advisable to choose foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol as part of a healthful diet.
What Can You Do About Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, and Cholesterol?
When comparing foods, look at the Nutrition Facts panel, and choose the food with the lower amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. Health experts recommend that you keep your intake of saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol as low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet. However, these experts recognize that eliminating these three components entirely from your diet is not practical because they are unavoidable in ordinary diets.
The glycemic index is a way of measuring the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and appear in the blood as simple sugars. Those foods that result in a rapid rise in blood sugar have a high-glycemic index. Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly and cause only a moderate increase in blood sugar have a low-glycemic index. Some carbohydrates fall in between.
High-glycemic foods provide quick energy, but it is usually short lived and hunger soon returns. Low-glycemic foods provide greater satiety and sustained energy, which makes eating less and losing weight easier.
High-glycemic diets also have been linked to obesity, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Virtually all convenience foods and many meal replacement and diet products on the market today are unfortunately, high glycemic.3
Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals.
* Low GI diets help people lose and control weight
* Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin
* Low GI carbs improve diabetes control
* Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease
* Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels
* Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS
* Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer
* Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance
* High GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise
What Are Macro-Optimizers?
Virtually all chronic degenerative diseases that plague today's world are caused or exacerbated by the deterioration of the modern diet. MACRO-OPTIMIZERS were developed to provide great-tasting, high-quality macronutrients your body needs to maintain health and feel great. These convenient, lowglycemic foods can be used along with the ESSENTIALS™ and OPTIMIZERS to complete your healthy diet. Many MACRO-OPTIMIZER foods contain beneficial ingredients like dietary fiber, soy protein, and potassium - ingredients that may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and hypertension.�
To achieve and maintain a healthy body, your body's cells need specific nutrients (high-quality protein, varied fiber sources, low-glycemic carbohydrates, beneficial fats, vitamins, and minerals). When your body's cells lack these vital nutrients, they do not function properly.
At USANA, we understand that good nutrition includes both micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds we consume in small amounts) and macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that make up the bulk of our food). The primary goal of good nutrition is to promote lifelong good health. This state of well-being implies the optimal performance of all body systems.
It is vitally important that your diet include the right types of each class of macronutrient:
* The right carbohydrates are either complex carbohydrates or fiber, and have a low-glycemic index. Complex carbohydrates and fiber generally supply additional healthy trace elements and phytonutrients, as well as energy.
* A healthy diet includes a variety of protein sources including complete proteins, which contain all of the essential amino acids.
* Beneficial fats are high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids. No more than 10 percent of your total daily calories should be derived from saturated fat.
Soluble fiber, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Low-fat diets rich in fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables may also reduce the risk of some types of cancer, a disease associated with many factors. Unfortunately, the normal diet in today's society includes only onehalf to two-thirds of the fiber necessary for optimal health.1 The positive impact of a highfiber diet is increased when there is a concurrent reduction in the amount of saturated fat consumed.2
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sensé Spa Party Tour 2008
A Sensé™ Spa Party could be coming to a city near you! This spring, USANA skin-care experts along with area leaders will present a unique spa experience in cities throughout the United States and Canada. Each Spa Party will be an unforgettable event that will offer something for you and your guests.
Spa Facial
Every woman loves a spa facial—being pampered with exquisite skin-care products and consulting with an expert on her skin concerns. The first half of each Spa Party will feature one of our Sensé skin-care experts, who will lead guests through a Sensé spa facial while explaining the benefits of the high-quality USANA® Nutritionals and cutting-edge Sensé products. The presentation will conclude with a special product offer that will be available exclusively for the guests in attendance. These events will present an excellent opportunity to enroll new Associates and Preferred Customers as your prospects learn about the benefits and savings available with the Autoship program.
Spa Party Workshop
When you attend this one-of-a-kind event, you and your guests will be invited to stay for the Spa Party Workshop immediately following the Spa Party presentation. You will be treated to a professional demonstration of how to host your own Spa Party like a skin-care expert. This is an incredible chance for you to learn the secrets of hosting a successful Spa Party.
Attending an Event
Associates attending will pay the host $10 to share the location cost. Guests will attend free of charge. All product, mirrors, and related supplies for each guest to complete a Sensé mini facial will be provided.
Meet The Experts
United States events—Michelle Young, Master Aesthetician
Michelle Young has invested 12 years in working, consulting, and educating in the day spa industry. She has experienced world-class 5-star day spas throughout the U.S. and has been a successful spa business owner for 10 years. Michelle maintains an active lifestyle as a mountain host at a world-class ski resort, as well as a skin care educator, triathlete, and mother, which has helped her become not only a master of aesthetics but also a master of understanding the needs, desires, and motivations of people. She believes the foundation of her success is being able to genuinely relate to clients and caring for their well-being.
Canada events—Marie C. Bertrand, Skin Clinician
As a microbiologist, Marie C. Bertrand has worked for many years in the cosmetic industry, developing and implementing basic and advanced training sessions related to skin care and dermatology. She has successfully trained more than 10,000 people on the proper recommendation of skin-care routines. Today as the director of a cosmetic dermatology clinic, Marie develops integrated skin-care routines adapted to each patient’s needs, and she ensures support and follow-up. Previously, Marie worked as medical relations and training manager for L’Oreal Canada, developing skin-care training programs for cosmeticians and dermatologists throughout the country.
Nutrimeal™ is a great-tasting, low-glycemic meal replacement that contains quality protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and many micronutrients. Each serving of Nutrimeal™ contains 8 grams of dietary fiber, which can help maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system.*
Each serving of Nutrimeal™ provides 15 grams of soy, whey and other proteins. (French Vanilla Nutrimeal™ contains all 15 grams of protein as soy). Soy may help maintain cardiovascular health, diastolic blood pressure, and HDL-cholesterol levels, provided they are healthy to begin with. Soy protein is a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids in optimal ratios and in a highly digestible form. Nutrimeal™ contains numerous soy phytonutrients, which may help support a healthy immune system. It also has guaranteed levels of soy isoflavones, which have antioxidant effects that may help maintain bone health and moderate natural hormone cycles.* Whey protein, which is also easily digestible, is an excellent source of amino acids essential for building a healthy body.
Help reduce the frequent carbohydrate cravings and health risks associated with a high-glycemic diet. Nutrimeal™ has now been reformulated for a low glycemic index of 23, providing sustained energy and greater satiety throughout the day.
* Contains 8 grams of dietary fiber per serving, which can help maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system*
* Dutch Chocolate and Wild Strawberry Nutrimeal™ provides 15 grams protein from soy, whey, and other sources
* French Vanilla Nutrimeal™ provides 15 grams of soy protein
* Glycemic index of 23
* Low-glycemic foods may help inhibit fat-storage mechanisms in the body
* Helps reduce carbohydrate cravings and deliver sustained energy
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Iced Lemon Fibergy Bar™
The Iced Lemon Fibergy Bar™ was developed for your busy lifestyle. Each delicious bar has four grams of fiber, only 1.5 grams of fat, and no cholesterol. A Fibergy Bar™ provides 300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed. Research has shown that these beneficial fats may help maintain cardiovascular health, optimal neural growth and development, and good joint health.*
These convenient, on-the-go snacks have been scientifically formulated to provide hunger satisfaction and long-lasting energy. And the delicious iced lemon flavor makes it easy to increase the fiber intake of even the most finicky child. Iced Lemon Fibergy Bars™ taste so great, it's hard to believe they are so good for you.
Avoid the frequent cravings and health risks associated with a high-glycemic diet. Fibergy Bars™ are low glycemic, providing sustained energy and greater satiety throughout the day.
* Fibergy Bar™ provides four grams of fiber, three of which are soluble fiber
* Fibergy Bar™ contains inulin fiber to help maintain a healthy digestive system and to enhance calcium absorption*
* Fibergy Bar™ provides 300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed
* Fibergy Bars™ are good sources of potassium. Diets containing foods that are a good source of potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Fibre Snack Bar.
Low fat high fibre diet is essential for healthy living. However, because of poor eating habits and hectic lifestyle, sufficient intake of fibre may not be possible.
Fibre snack bar is low in glycemic index. Each bar provides 3 grams of soluble fibre and 1 gram of insoluble fiber. This tasty snack bar is a nutritious & convenient way to get your fibre in the go.
Macro Optimizers.
Formulated to complement a balanced diet, its a low glycemic, great tasting meal replacement drink that includes quality protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and many micronutrients.
Each serving of Nutrimeal contains 8g of dietary fibre and free of trans fat.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Exercise Could Slow Aging Of Body - Dr. Jim Brassard Ph.D/Ma.D.Sc.
Physically active people have cells that look younger on a molecular level than those of couch potatoes, according to new research that offers a fundamental new clue into how exercise may help stave off aging.
The study, involving more than 2,400 British twins, found for the first time that exercise appears to slow the shriveling of the protective tips on bundles of genes inside cells, perhaps keeping frailty at bay.
These data suggest that the act of exercising may actually protect the body against the aging process," said Tim D. Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College in London who led the study, published yesterday in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Previous research has shown that being physically active reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases, potentially extending longevity. In the hopes of helping explain how, Spector and his colleagues examined structures known as telomeres inside cells.
Telomeres cap the ends of chromosomes, the structures that carry genes. Every time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter. When the telomeres get too short, the cell can no longer divide. Scientists believe that aging occurs as more and more cells reach the end of their telomeres and die -- muscles weaken, skin wrinkles, eyesight and hearing fade, organs fail, and thinking clouds.
Spector and his colleagues analyzed the telomeres from white blood cells collected from 2,401 twins participating in a long-term health study, examining whether there was a relationship between the subjects' telomere length and how much exercise they got in their spare time over a 10-year period.
"We're using telomere length as a marker of our rate of biological aging," Spector said.
The length of the twins' telomeres was directly related to their activity levels, the researchers found. People who did a moderate amount of exercise -- about 100 minutes a week of activity such as tennis, swimming or running -- had telomeres that on average looked like those of someone about five or six years younger than those who did the least -- about 16 minutes a week. Those who did the most -- doing about three hours a week of moderate to vigorous activity-- had telomeres that appeared to be about nine years younger than those who did the least.
"There was a gradient," Spector said. "As the amount of exercise increased, the telomere length increased."
Stay Strong
Fitness Regimen Calisthenics Exercises - Sander
All types of exercises are essential for our body fitness. To do exercise is good for to maintain health in the proper way. So it is vey essential for the day to day life. In some times some exercises are used for to cure the disease. There are so many types of the exercises are present. In which different types of exercises are do for different purposes. The exercises are like jogging, military push-up, jump squat, lunge, duck walk, plyometric lunge, power jumping-jack, crunches, bicycle exercise, and triceps dips.
The calisthenics exercise is related with the body weight. And it is done to improve fitness, health and physical strength, endurance, flexibility, to build muscle and keep in shape. These exercises concentrate on specific areas of the body. The calisthenics is related of free-arm, aesthetics, rhythmic, folk dance, singing, marching, club-swinging and metal rod exercises. Calisthenics exercises are consisting the movements of which use the weight of your body as resistance to work against.
The calisthenics exercise is a valuable, effective and efficient training method. For the calisthenics exercises there are so many trainings also available in which they will give proper guidence for the exercise. Calisthenics exercise is evaluated, each with specific time parameters and specific exercise form mechanics. They do not require expensive equipment. So by doing these type of calisthenics exercises we can improve our health ability.
Benefits of Calisthenics Exercises
* To improve heart health
* Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
* To reduce weight
* To increase muscular endurance
* To get attractive body shape
* Improve muscle strength
Monday, May 26, 2008
USANA wins Utah best of State in 2 categories.
Accolades continue to roll in for USANA by receiving 2 Utah Best of State Award.
Best of State for Dietary supplements. This is an amazing award considering Utah is home to more than 100 supplement manufactures.
Best of State for Personal Care product. This is a more incredible news and a first for USANA's revolutionary Sense skin care line.
Sensé™ Self-preserving Technology is a Skin-care Industry Breakthrough
USANA received an official patent(U.S. Patent No. 7,214,391) on May 8 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office that guarantees proprietary rights to the self-preserving technology used in Sensé skin- and personal-care products.
The patent covers USANA’s formulation for manufacturing Sensé products so that they are capable of maintaining their shelf life without the need for added chemical preservatives. The products are “self-preserving” in that they don't require traditional chemical preservatives to maintain their shelf life.
This is revolutionary technology that USANA’s respected team of scientists spent nearly 10 years perfecting. The patent ensures that only USANA and our Associates have the exclusive distribution rights to our unique self-preserving technology.
Prospecting Tip:
Assure customers and prospects that Sensé beautiful science products are manufactured with patented self-preserving technology. Explain that traditional skin-care manufacturers must use common chemical preservatives in order to keep their products from spoiling. Sensé patented self-preserving technology combines proprietary blends of purifying botanicals in protective liquid crystals to keep the product fresh naturally, so skin can receive all the benefits of pure and healthy ingredients.
In addition, inform customers that the Sensé product line received a Utah Best of State Award this year in the personal-care/cosmetics category for its revolutionary self-preserving formulations. The Utah Best of State Awards are a recognition program that was created to acknowledge outstanding individuals, organizations, and businesses in Utah.
Copyright © 2008 USANA Health Sciences. All rights reserved
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Natural Skin Nutrition - Angelique Jodein
You are what you eat. This famous adage not only applies to our overall nutrition and health, but how our skin looks and feels as well. As the largest organ in the body, our skin can benefit from the same nutrition we get from foods that have a positive effect on our major organs, including our heart. In fact, new research suggests that eating foods rich in protein and certain vitamins and minerals might provide valuable anti-aging effects.
Our overall health is indeed affected by what we eat, but how our health can be impacted by something we consume or something we don't, is mostly an unexplored field. Some food and beverages can even worsen common skin conditions and cause allergic reactions that manifest on the skin.
Good Food, Good Skin
Perhaps the easiest way to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and ensure the skin is getting optimal nutrition from the foods we eat is to follow the recommendations of the Daily Food Guide elaborated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA), commonly called the food pyramid.
These include:
- Choosing and eating no less than three ounces of crackers, rice, cereals, whole grain breads or pasta.
- Consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including more dark green and orange vegetables.
- Eating calcium-rich aliments, like low-fat or fat-free milk and other dairy products.
- Choosing a variety of low-fat or lean meats, fish and poultry.
- Food alone can't work miracles but its benefits can be greatly increased by combining a balanced diet with a natural skin care discovery. The best options are products based on natural ingredients that work in sync with health.
Scientific Studies support a Natural Lifestyle
These foods, as part of a healthy diet, contain valuable vitamins and minerals with proven skin health benefits.
Research has demonstrated that the antioxidants in vitamins C and E help reduce damage in skin cells caused by harmful free radicals and can protect the skin from sun damage, which contribute to aging skin. Similarly, B vitamin biotin is responsible for forming the basis of skin, hair and nail tissues, and vitamin A - found in many fruits and vegetables - heals tissues and keeps your skin healthy. Acne and other skin, hair and nails conditions will surely appear if you don't have an adequate intake of these vitamins.
While the direct link between food consumption and skin damage has not been completely studied, a comparative study about the correlation between skin wrinkling with food and nutrient intake found a positive relationship. Studies show that subjects with a higher intake of olive oil, vegetables, and mono unsaturated fat and legumes, but a lower intake of butter, margarine, milk/dairy products and sugar foods had less dermal wrinkling in a sun-exposed site.
More research needs to be done to determine the long-term acne health benefits of aliments. Drinking plenty of water so the skin stays hydrated and eating a variety of healthy foods should help most people improve the appearance of their skin.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Information On Glaucoma - Peter Hutch
Glaucoma is a disease of the major nerve of vision, called the optic nerve. The optic nerve receives light from the retina and transmits impulses to the brain that we perceive as vision. Glaucoma is characterized by a particular pattern of progressive damage to the optic nerve that generally begins with a subtle loss of side vision (peripheral vision).
Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the passages that allow fluid in the eye to drain become clogged or blocked. This results in the amount of fluid in the eye building up and causing increased pressure inside the eye. This increased pressure damages the optic nerve which connects the eye to the brain. The optic nerve is the main carrier of vision information to the brain. Damage to it results in less information sent to the brain and a loss of vision.
New eye drops will continue to become available for the treatment of glaucoma. Some drops will be new classes of agents. Other drops will combine some already existing agents into one bottle to achieve an additive effect and to make it easier and cheaper for patients to take their medication.
Glaucoma is a condition in which the pressure inside the eye is raised. The increase in pressure usually happens when fluid (the aqueous humor) in the front part of the eye (the anterior chamber) doesn't drain away properly. Normally, the amount of fluid produced is balanced by the amount draining away, so the pressure in the front part of the eye stays constant.
Glaucoma refers to certain eye diseases that affect the optic nerve and cause vision loss. Most, but not all, of these diseases typically produce elevated pressure inside the eye, called intraocular pressure (IOP). Normal IOP is measured in millimeters of mercury and can range from 10-21 mm Hg. An elevated IOP is the most important risk factor for the development of glaucoma.
The exact causes of optic nerve damage from glaucoma is not fully understood, but involves mechanical compression and/or decreased blood flow of the optic nerve. Although high eye pressure sometimes leads to glaucoma, many people can also develop glaucoma with "normal" eye pressure.
Glaucoma is caused by a number of different eye diseases which in most cases produce increased pressure within the eye. This elevated pressure is caused by a backup of fluid in the eye. Over time, it causes damage to the optic nerve. Through early detection, diagnosis and treatment, you and your doctor can help to preserve your vision.
Glaucoma is actually a group of eye diseases that lead to damage of the optic nerve (the bundle of nerve fibers that carries information from the eye to the brain), which can then lead to vision loss and the possibility of blindness. Optic nerve damage usually occurs in the presence of high intraocular pressure; however, it can occur with normal or even below-normal eye pressure.
The eyes of a person with glaucoma are damaged when fluid builds up and increases pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma symptoms vary, but can include peripheral vision loss, sudden blurring of vision, and eye pain. In most cases, however, glaucoma displays no noticeable symptoms before it takes away the vision of its victim. Thankfully, with proper preventative eye care, it is possible to keep glaucoma from affecting your life.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Try Liquid Glucosamine For Arthritis Relief - Steve Estes
Have you tried liquid glucosamine for your arthritis pain?
Arthritis is a disease that causes painful inflammation and swelling in the joints of millions of people all over the world. And I think one thing that all suffers of this debilitating disease can agree on is that they want the pain gone now..Although there is as yet no cure for this suffering, there are natural alternatives to prescription medicine. Perhaps you've tried acupuncture or magnetic therapy, as these are popular remedies. Another choice that many people are making is glucosamine.
Currently there is a great deal of research happening on just what makes this stuff work. It seems that this product reduces the inflammation caused by arthritis which in turn eases your pain. It looks like it also slows the deterioration of .your joints as well. This is an important factor when searching for a natural product. It's not just a matter of looking for alternative symptom relief; you want something that will help halt the progression of your condition.
While you should always inform your doctor when you decide to try to treat your own symptoms, glucosamine is safe to use with other medications. And this is not just some fly by night arthritis pain reliever either. Even hospitals have been using it in treating some patients.Liquid glucosamine is the most popular form of this supplement because your body assimilates it so easily. Sometimes pills and capsules don't completely break down and you just eliminate them before they have a chance to do their job. Obviously liquids are easier on your digestive system as well.I started ordering liquid glucosamine online because of a nagging hip problem. I developed sciatica when I was heavy and it stayed when I lost weight. It took a couple of weeks to notice its effects, but I'm glad I gave it a chance.
There is no need for you to give up an active lifestyle because of arthritis pain. Do yourself a favor and give liquid glucosamine a try. It won't take long for you to feel its positive effects and before you know it you'll be pain free.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Health Benefits Of GarlicBy - Peter Hutch
Cooked prepared garlic is less powerful but still reputedly of benefit to the cardiovascular system.
Among animals fed a sugar-rich diet, those given allicin from garlic did not gain weight like those not given allicin, according to a study in the American Journal of Hypertension. The researchers concluded that allicin may be useful for weight control.
Compounds in garlic inhibit key enzymes that generate inflammation in your body. By reducing inflammation, garlic may help to prevent severe asthma attacks and reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Garlic and garlic-derived supplements can help reduce the risk of heart disease in several important ways. Garlic lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, lessens destructive oxidation and decreases the formation of blood clots. It also slows hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis) and helps maintain their elasticity. At the same time, garlic decreases troublesome symptoms of atherosclerosis, such as poor circulation, fatigue and headaches.
Reduce the risk of blood clots (that are responsible for most heart attacks and strokes)
If you use garlic supplements, use the enteric coated tablets so that the healthy ingredients can survive the stomach and be absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestines Please be cautious if you are taking garlic supplements and blood thinners such as aspirin and warfarin at the same time. Garlic supplements will further thin your blood. In addition, it is suggested to discontinue garlic supplementation at least 7 days prior to surgery.
Garlic is best eaten raw. Cooking can destroy some of the "allicin" compound which is responsible for the powerful healing effects of garlic.
For intestinal upsets, garlic's antibiotic qualities have been used to treat ulcers. Eat 7-9 cloves of garlic throughout the day, either with milk or spread on butter. The agents work as a relaxer and keep the acids calmed down. For infections, such as athlete's foot, skin infections and acne, place a freshly mashed garlic clove in a piece of cotton gauze and rub it over the affected areas. Garlic is also essential for helping with colds. Fresh garlic mixed with honey is an effective home remedy for colds, hoarseness and inflammation of the throat. Use a garlic press to crush 1 oz. of fresh garlic cloves, mix with one cup of honey. let is sit for one hour to infuse the honey with the garlic's essential oils and then store in a cool place. Take one to two tablespoons at the first signs of a cold and then repeat every hour thereafter.
Garlic is arranged in a head, called the "bulb," averaging about 2 inches in height and diameter consisting of numerous small separate cloves. Both the cloves and the entire bulb are encased in paper-like sheathes that can be white, off-white or pinkish. Although garlic cloves have a firm texture, they can be easily cut or crushed. The taste of garlic is like no other-it hits the palate with a hot pungency that is shadowed by a very subtle background sweetness. While elephant garlic has larger cloves, it is more closely related to the leek and therefore does not offer the full health benefits of regular garlic.
Today garlic is a widely recognized health enhancing supplement. Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of garlic’s most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body’s immune cell activity.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Living Without Smoking - Sharon Bell
How do you live without smoking? Impossible as that sounds to nicotine addicts, it can be done. Here are more quitting tips courtesy of the National Cancer Institute.
Immediately after quitting:
Develop a clean, fresh, nonsmoking environment around yourself - at work and at home. Buy yourself flowers - you may be surprised how much you can enjoy their scent now.
The first few days after you quit, spend as much free time as possible in places where smoking isn't allowed, such as libraries, museums, theaters, department stores, and churches.
Drink large quantities of water and fruit juice (but avoid sodas that contain caffeine).
Try to avoid alcohol, coffee, and other beverages that you associate with cigarette smoking.
If you miss the sensation of having a cigarette in your hand, play with something else - a pencil, a paper clip, a marble.
If you miss having something in your mouth, try toothpicks or a fake cigarette.
Avoid temptation:
Instead of smoking after meals, get up from the table and brush your teeth or go for a walk.
If you always smoke while driving, listen to a particularly interesting radio program or your favorite music, or take public transportation for a while, if you can.
For the first one to three weeks, avoid situations you strongly associate with the pleasurable aspects of smoking, such as watching your favorite TV program, sitting in your favorite chair, or having a cocktail before dinner.
Until you're confident of your ability to stay off cigarettes, limit your socializing to healthful, outdoor activities or situations where smoking isn't allowed.
If you must be in a situation where'll you be tempted to smoke (such as a cocktail or dinner party), try to associate with the nonsmokers there. (Next: How to change your smoking habits.)
Since smoking cause wrinkles, quit now before you destroy your face. One product that can help is the Rejuvinol AM/PM Botox Alternative Age-Defying System. This anti-aging system has two powerful components: the Rejuvinol morning moisturizer that creates firmer, healthier, and younger-looking skin; and the Rejuvox night cream that reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hair Thickener - New Vitality Editorial Team
Thinning of hair is a common problem among men and women. More than 60 million Americans suffer from thinning of hair. More than half the men over the age of 50 suffer from hair loss or baldness. Baldness in women is far less common, but the emotional trauma it brings is greater.
When a woman’s hair is shiny, healthy and full-bodied, she looks more beautiful and feels more confident.
It’s a fact, nothing can make a woman feel more fabulous than knowing that her hair is perfect. But it’s her worst nightmare when her hair begins to thin, become brittle, losing its shine and luster. The face takes on a different look which we are not comfortable with. Usually this occurs in a short span of time. Hair thinning can cause a lot of anxiety leading to lack of confidence and self-image, and sometimes even depression.
The most common cause of hair loss in both men and women is genetic. In fact, heredity accounts for 95% of all the cases of alopecia (baldness) in this country. The remaining 5% of the cases can be due to a number of things including:
* Grief or stress
* improper nutrition, iron deficiency
* thyroid malfunction
* hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause
* side effect of certain medications or medical treatments like chemotherapy
* too many harsh chemicals have been used on it -- so it breaks easily
Finding the cause for thinning of hair will help you to find the right solution.
Helpful tips to prevent hair breakage include shampooing and conditioning only when hair is dirty. Also avoid using hair straightening flat irons and curling irons as they damage hair.
To add volume to your hair you could try:
* Coloring your hair
* Using volumizing products
* Getting a permanent wave to give volume to fine-textured hair
However, some of these ways still involve chemicals and harsh treatment of your hair. They may add volume temporarily but could cause more damage in the long run resulting in hair loss.
Even though genetics is beyond control, effective treatments are available for hair loss and baldness.
Hair Implants
Follicular hair implants are a last resort. This treatment achieves permanent hair growth. By implanting healthy hair follicles from the back of the head to balding areas, the follicles keep on growing. This is the only proven solution for hair loss, but it is also very expensive.
Hair Thickeners
Hair thickeners are a good option for thinning hair. Hair thickening products cover a wide range. Some products simply clean the hair removing heavy oils; some trap moisture in the hair shaft thus giving more body. Hair thickeners come in sprays or creams, and some require that you hair be blow-dried for maximum volume effect.
Hair thickeners fatten individual strands of hair, so that fine hair looks and feels more thicker per strand—thus giving more abundant overall volume. Such products use wheat proteins, infused into the cortex, to “fatten” it up. These products actually bind real hair particles to the hair shaft thereby giving it more volume.
The majority of hair thickeners work by using a hair shaft's natural negative charge to attract polymers (which have a positive charge) thus trapping moisture causing the hair shaft to swell in diameter and appear thicker.
There are hair thickeners which will do more than just thicken hair, but also stimulate new hair growth. If in doubt, ask your hair stylist to recommend a good thickener.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tired Of Being Overweight? - ReviewMedic
Obesity is fast becoming the number one health problem in developed and developing countries around the world; the worrying factor is that school children are also affected by this, according to recent studies. Many ways to solve this problem exist and whilst some have decided to undergo surgery, others have decided to exercise and change their dietary intake. If surgery isn't bad enough, increasing numbers of overweight people start to take weight loss drugs as a fast and relatively inexpensive way to shed excess fat.
These drugs usually work buy telling the brain it's no longer hungry, stimulating metabolism to aid the shedding of excess fat. The problem arose when it was found that one of the side effects from this type of drug was the increased risk of heart valve disease and of course the drug was quickly withdrawn from use. Not to be defeated though, manufacturers have introduced updated drugs, prescribed by doctors but the FDA approval process is slow.
Most people have known friends or family members who have tried using diet pills and have seen tremendous improvement. This is obviously a very tempting prospect, to lose weight whilst eating the same diet. This approach has seen consumers spend millions of dollars every year and has generated huge profits for the drug companies who manufacture and sell the weight loss drug.
Even with all the testing and new techniques available for manufacturers, many side effects like nausea and diarrhea still exist with the new generation of weight control pills which, incidentally, can still be purchased over the counter. The harmful side effects have not been eliminated and it is possible that you could still suffer from hallucinations, stroke, tremors and heart attacks. You would need to read the user information for a full list of all the possible side effects.
The side effects vary depending on the lifestyle and health of the person and can be minimized as long as one consults the doctor first before buying them; it should be noted that if one stops using the drugs, the side effects will not necessarily cease. Problems like depression, nausea, bad mood swings, nightmares, insomnia for example have all been reported when a person has stopped taking the weight control pills.
Many clinical tests will show that the weight loss drugs taken to reduce weight really work but this can only be done in conjunction with a low calorie diet and an exercise plan. This type of diet requires a balance of the food groups to ensure a proper intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber, almost all of which can be bought at your local supermarket but may require a little preparation.
Of course this should always be combined with a good exercise routine which will use up excess calories and provide a good all round fitness workout. A good exercise plan with the use of weights will help improve the body's ability to burn off the calories and maintain a healthy heart.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Antioxidants Is Good - Simon Andrews
Each winter the cold and flu season hits millions of people causing miserable symptoms and spreading between co-workers, family and school children. The best prevention is protecting your body through a healthy diet rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can be found in everyday foods that you already eat and are also available in supplements.
What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are compounds that destroy free radicals in your body that are created by oxidation. The use of oxygen in cells leaves toxic by-products called free radicals. Left alone, free radicals build up and damage healthy cells causing your body to age quicker, become in-immune to illnesses and are also responsible for many cancers, degenerative diseases and heart disease. But when you eat foods rich in antioxidants, they clean out the free radicals so your cells stay healthy and even repair themselves.
Which foods contain antioxidants?
There are a multitude of foods that carry the many different types of antioxidants your body needs to maintain a healthy immune system. The most common are foods containing vitamins A, C and E along with the minerals zinc and selenium. Below are suggestions on what foods you can eat to increase antioxidants in your diet.
Vitamin A
Foods rich in vitamin A boost your immune system and helps lower your susceptibility to respiratory infections as well as protects you against many cancers and vision problems. Animal products such as liver, eggs and dairy products contain vitamin A as well as fruits and vegetables such as carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kale, peaches, apricots and cantaloupe.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is widely known for protecting the immune system from the common cold. This vitamin is actually superior to over-the-counter medications in reducing the symptoms, severity and duration of a cold. Foods rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges and limes, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, green leafy vegetables and green peppers. Your best defence is to eat a regular diet of foods rich in vitamin C, however if you feel a cold coming on supplements may help to ward off the symptoms. Vitamin C does not store in your body so it is safe to occasionally take high doses to fight cold symptoms.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E also helps to promote a strong immune system, especially when combined with its fellow antioxidants such as vitamin C, selenium, and beta carotene. Vitamin E is also helpful in promoting a healthy cardiovascular system and in slowing down the aging process. Foods containing vitamin E are nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, liver oil and vegetable oil.
The mineral zinc is found in every cell in your body and is important for a healthy immune system. Taking zinc can actually reduce the length and severity of the common cold. Foods containing zinc are oysters, red meat and poultry, although small amounts can be obtained through green leafy vegetables. The best way to get the proper amount of zinc in your diet is to take a zinc supplement. The recommended amount is 15 mg each day for adults but make sure not to overdose on it as too much zinc can be toxic.
A healthy diet rich in antioxidants, exercise, and plenty of sleep should be all you need to protect your body from colds and flues this winter season.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
6 Easy Steps To Lose Weight Fast - Ben Pickering-Watson
Achieving weight loss doesn't have to be that difficult. No one likes the word "diet". Just hearing that one little dreaded word, can make you stop before you even start. We shall now discuss some proven ways in which you can lose weight with a minimum of effort.
1. Avoid Starving Yourself
The answer to losing weight is not to diet, and does not involve starving yourself. This might sound odd, but it's correct. Consuming too little is the main reason for the failure of most people in their goals for weight loss. You may seem content and think that you are losing unwanted flab on your belly and thighs by skipping those meals. This feeling will soon depart though. Your body cannot bear receiving inadequate food to create the energy needed for your daily activities. Eventually your body concludes that it is not receiving enough energy for survival. Your body will interpret this as a threat and will attempt to maintain the most fat that it can. This occurs because this behaviour has evolved over thousands of years of human existence, specifically to help keep humans alive. People will often attempt to lose weight by making huge cuts in their calorie intake. Doing this will only force your body to do the opposite of what you intend. I recommend cutting only a maximum of 500 calories a day from your diet.
2. Eat Several Small Meals A Day
Consuming several mini-meals throughout the day will actually speed up your metabolism, raise your energy level, and burn off more fat. It is better to eat five or six smaller meals throughout the day instead of having three larger meals. By doing this, your body's metabolism will stay up during the entire day. You can prevent over-eating by eating more frequently, in smaller servings. Try to eat every 3 hours.
3. Eat A Quality Breakfast
Breakfast is considered the most crucial meal of the day. Therefore, everyone should eat a good breakfast. The last time you had something to eat would have been during dinner the night before, which would be as much as 12 hours earlier. Your energy level will be low, and your body will tell you that you should eat. Eating a substantial breakfast will give your body the energy it needs to successfully start the day. Ideally, breakfast should be your biggest meal and dinner your smallest. Unfortunately, most people eat the reverse of this: a small breakfast followed by a larger lunch and finished off by an enormous dinner. A large breakfast isn't typically stored as fat because when your body has been fasting all night, it will turn this food directly into energy. Calories consumed during a large evening meal are far more likely to be stored as fat. This is because fewer calories are burned at night due to a lower activity level, and your metabolism is at its slowest when you sleep. If you fill up at the end of the day, your body will convert excess calories, and store them as fat.
4. Drink Plenty Of Water
Most of us don't drink the 8 glasses of water a day that we are supposed to. Adequate water intake helps promote healthy cell function, as well as a fast metabolism that burns fat. Is it common for you to awaken in the morning feeling so exhausted, as if you were experiencing a hangover? Dehydration is the usual cause. Symptoms of dehydration include headache, fatigue and tiredness. The most abundant nutrient in the human body is water. Water makes up about 60% to 70% of your body. Water is essential for proper body function. You would perish in a few days without water.
5. Too Much Sugar Is A Bad Thing
Stay away from foods that are high in sugar. Since these types foods will digest quickly, they will give you a boost in energy, but it will only last a short amount of time. Consuming sweet food causes a peak in blood sugar and a rise of insulin. As the insulin removes the sugar from your blood, your blood sugar level will drop to lower than normal. The sharp drop in blood sugar levels will make you feel tired, and it will also trigger cravings for sugary foods to raise the level back up again quickly. The cycle of craving sugar, consuming more sugar, then the energy peak and energy crash will continue endlessly until you make a positive change to correct this. Meals should be planned utilizing numerous fruits and vegetables, a reasonable amount of bread, rice or pasta for carbohydrates, and lean meat and protein rich foods. You should only eat treats such as sweets, sodas and pastries on rare occasions.
6. Work Out
Walk if you are only going short distances from home, use the stairs instead of the elevator, go jogging, bicycling or skating. Perform tasks like these, or other chores around the house, on those days you don't feel like going to the gym. Ensure that you continue to do this on a regular basis, and you won't even realize that you are dropping pounds while doing these boring tasks. Use exercise to get rid of fat, rather than eating less. This will burn off some unwanted calories without lowering your metabolic rate. The best exercise for fat burning is aerobic exercise. While you exercise your body uses body fat for energy. Do at least 30 to 60 minutes of light exercising a day.
The keys to lose weight fast are eating a healthy breakfast, cutting back on your daily calorie intake (up to 500 calories from what you eat now), eating smaller and more frequent meals, drinking water instead of soda and other empty calorie drinks, and exercising. Your ideal weight is easily within reach, in no time at all, you only need to follow these six simple tips.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hula Hoop Your Way To Fitness - Alan Tan
Have you ever asked the question "Can I lose weight from hula hooping?", if you find yourself asking that question, then good news. I have some great tips here to get you started on how to include the hula hoop into your fitness workout.
Let us first look at how to select a suitable hula hoop to use in your workout. Size does matter, choose the correct sized hoop. Forget those that you find in Toys R Us, they are kid sized hoops, unless of course you are kid sized. So, get an adult sized hoop, if you are a beginner to hooping getting the wrong sized hoop will make it harder for you to pick up hooping.
As a general guide, with the hoop placed upright on the floor in front of you, the top of the hoop should reach your chest. Of course the size of your waist has to be taken into account. So the bigger you are, the bigger the hoop has to be. The speed of rotation is inversely proportionate to the size of the hoop. Bigger hoops will rotate slower and smaller hoops faster. Bigger hoops that rotate slower will make it easier for you to learn hooping initially. Faster rotating smaller hoops are great for doing tricks with and harder to master, but are excellent of exercise.
Try to strike a balance on the rotation speed and difficulty level of the hoop that you pick. Try them out in the store, get a feel of the rotation speed and how hard it is to use. You wouldn't want to get something that rotates slow and doesn't provide a good enough workout or something so fast that you ended up giving up hooping because it is too hard.
To get you started on your very first hoop workout, try this:
1. stand with one foot in front of the other
2. Hold the hoop against your back, slightly above your waist
3. Push the hoop around your waist
4. Shift your weight back and forth on your feet
Try to find the momentum of the hoop's rotation in relation to your body movements. You might find yourself trying to move your hips in a circle to follow the hoop, it is easier if you shift your weight back and forth. As for which way to rotate the hoop, try out both ways, you will instinctively find out which way is more comfortable for you.
Well, that is basically what you need to get started. Once you have mastered these simple steps there are many more advanced and fun techniques that you can try.